Prostap SR 1 Dual Chamber Syringe 3,75 mg


1 Dual Chamber Syringe (DCS) — 3,75 mg

Use for:

Prostap SR is a hormone therapy used to treat prostate cancer. It helps to reduce the levels of testosterone, a hormone which can feed cancer growth.


  • English packaging

  • Active ingredient: Leuprorelin Acetate


Prostap SR is a prescription medicine used to treat endometriosis. It works by reducing the amount of estrogen produced by the body and decreasing the growth of endometrial tissue. Prostap SR contains the active ingredient leuprorelin acetate, which is a synthetic form of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). This hormone helps to reduce the production of estrogen, thereby reducing the growth of endometrial tissue and relieving symptoms such as pain and heavy bleeding. Prostap SR is injected with a special device once every three months, and it is usually given as a single dose. Prostap SR can help to reduce pain and heavy bleeding associated with endometriosis and can even help to prevent the spread of the condition.

It can also help to improve fertility in some cases. Although Prostap SR is effective, it may cause side effects such as hot flashes, headaches, and nausea. Therefore, it is important to talk to your doctor before starting treatment.